The Pastor's Welcome: Embracing Unity and Growth in God's Grace

Dear Parishioners,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits, surrounded by God's grace and love. As I was appointed Pastor of Saint Gabriel Catholic Church, it is with great joy and anticipation that I extend my warmest welcome to each and every one of you. It is my heartfelt belief that together, we can embark on an incredible journey of unity and growth, deeply rooted in our faith and devotion to God.
First and foremost, I want to emphasize that the role of the Pastor is not one of authority or power, but rather one of service and guidance. I am here to serve all members of our parish, to walk alongside you in your spiritual journey, and to help foster an environment where everyone feels valued and embraced. I firmly believe in the power of community and inclusivity, where each individual can find a sense of belonging and purpose within the walls of our church.
In this rapidly changing world, it is crucial for our church community to remain steadfast in our faith while also embracing growth and adaptation. Together, we must strive to ensure that Saint Gabriel Catholic Church continues to be a beacon of light and hope, radiating God's love to all who seek solace within our doors. This can only be achieved through a spirit of unity and collaboration among parishioners and clergy.
I am committed to working diligently towards fostering an environment of unity and acceptance. It is my goal to create a space where all voices are heard, where diverse perspectives are valued, and where we can come together as a family, rooted in our shared faith. Together, we can celebrate our differences and recognize that our strength lies in our diversity. By embracing this ethos, we can exemplify the love and compassion that Christ Himself taught us.
As the Pastor of Saint Gabriel Catholic Church, I am eager to lead and support you on your spiritual journey. I envision a community where we deepen our relationship with God through inspired worship, engaging ministries, and transformative outreach programs that address the needs of our wider community. Together, we can develop a vibrant and welcoming church that uplifts and creates positive change in the lives of all who enter our doors.
My door is always open, and I wholeheartedly encourage each and every one of you to share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas with me. Let us come together, not only to embrace the beauty of our faith but also to work collaboratively towards Christ mission.

Sincerely in Christ,

Reverend Father John D. Hand
