
Confirmation is a sacred sacrament in our Catholic Church, where individuals are strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Through the anointing with Chrism oil, the newly confirmed receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, enabling them to grow in their faith and become more active members of our Church. The Holy Spirit empowers you to courageously live out your Christian beliefs and bear witness to the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is through Confirmation that individuals are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as wisdom, understanding, and fortitude, equipping you to face the challenges of life with grace and conviction. Thus, Confirmation is a crucial step in the journey of faith, marking the deepening of the relationship with God and the reception of His divine guidance and wisdom.

Confirmation is receiving the Holy Spirit, just as the Apostles received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.  Confirmation is generally received by 5th graders.  The children prepare for the sacrament in religious education classes (catholic school or PREP program).  If you are an adult or have an older child needing to prepare for Confirmation, please contact our director of religious education at  

CONFIRMATION is scheduled for December 16, 2023. All requirements must be met before your child can be considered a candidate for Confirmation.